Izmir Fazlagic, ABB Power Systems, Schweden
The Onboard DC-Grid is an innovative technology amended to the Marine industry which gives new and improved performance and operational opportunities onboard ships. The technology uses direct current as mean of transporting power and energy to different consumers onboard the vessel, enabling variable speed operation of the generator sets. In comparison to today’s alternating current (AC) distribution technology on vessels, the Onboard DC-grid gives additional advantages such as; significantly reduced fuel oil consumption, improved emission reduction, reduced maintenance and new operational modes with a greater responsive vessel system. The Onboard DC-Grid is not only a solution that addresses today’s ambiguous topics onboard ships, but also is a technology that is prepared for connection of future solutions such as new generations of equipment, new renewable energy sources or new propulsors. The technology is based on an open standard which gives ship-owners and operators a more competitive solution to the AC-distribution, while enabling new and improved operational modes and conditions.