Venue: Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Elbkuppel, Seewartenstraße 9, 20459 Hamburg
Every drop of fuel that is not burned helps!
This is the core statement of the 9th Ship Efficiency Conference 2023 of the German Society for Maritime Technology. Are you interested in the latest state of the art regarding CO2 emission reduction? The whole maritime cluster is invited to participate in this conference, where stakeholders from all areas of the maritime industry present their views and latest developments.
In 2022, CO2 emissions caused by seagoing vessels worldwide increased compared to 2021 and are above the level of 2019. Solutions like the change to non-fossil fuels are not feasible in short term and need new production facilities and infrastructure. The limits set by the International Maritime organization and other governmental bodies like the European Council and European Parliament are demanding for the maritime industry.
The increase of the efficiency of the whole maritime transport chain in view of the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases is still in the focus of the whole maritime cluster. Compared to the live time of a vessel of more than 20 years, CO2 reduction can be achieved on relative short notice by increasing the efficiency - every drop of fuel which is not burned helps!
What short-term successes in reducing CO2 emissions are possible?
The measures in order to reduce CO2 emissions are numerous, from improvements of single components of the vessel to the optimization of the whole transport chain. On the 9th Ship Efficiency conference of the German Society for Maritime Technology, technical solutions for the reduction of CO2 emissions are presented also under commercial and regulatory aspects.
On the first day of the Conference, shipowners and shipyards will present their measures regarding increasing the efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. Followed by port operators and logistic companies who will give their input on improving the efficiency across the entire transport chain. Another focal point of the first day will be centered on the availability of non-fossil fuels and the needed infrastructure and investments.
The second day will open with a presentation on governmental / legal aspects regarding CO2 emissions in shipping. The main propulsion plant of the vessels is the main contributor to CO2 emissions, Engine manufacturer and component producer will present their latest developments.
The last part of the conference is dedicated to managers and superintendents of shipping and management companies under the headline “Visions versus reality”. Operational managers will present their success stories regarding reduction of emissions, but also report on bureaucratically hurdles and other obstacles in realization.
On the 9th Ship Efficiency Conference, managers and specialists from the whole maritime industry will meet in Hamburg in order to be informed about the latest developments in increasing the efficiency of the entire maritime transport chain and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions – a goal that must not be lost sight of.
Invest your time and join the conference – the next generation expects solutions and actions from us!
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