Fachausschuss: | Schiffshydrodynamik |
Leiter: | Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Abdel-Maksoud |
Räumlichkeiten: | Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Audimax II, Denickestr. 22, 21073 Hamburg |
Bemerkung: | Campusplan TUHH |
9.20 Uhr | Opening |
Optimization of PreSwirl Devices | |
9.30 Uhr | Pre-Swirl Stator optimization: the performance target and a BEM-based design procedure Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Streckwall, Hamburg Ship Model Basin, HSVA, Hamburg, Germany |
10.10 Uhr | Full Scale Investigations on Pre-Swill Stators by RANS Method Dr.-Ing. Yan Xing-Kaeding, Hamburg Ship Model Basin, HSVA, Hamburg, Germany |
10.50 Uhr | Hydrodynamic performance of PreSwirl Devices – A further numerical analysis M.Sc. Bart Schuiling, M.Sc. Gert Jan Zondervan Prof. Dr. Tom van Terwisga, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, MARIN, Netherlands |
11.30 Uhr | Coffee break |
Optimisation of Propeller Boss Caps | |
12.00 Uhr | Numerical and experimental investigations for influencing the propulsion efficiency in the hub region of the propeller Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Heinke, Dipl.-Ing. Lars Lübke, Dipl-Ing. Marc Steinwand, Potsdam Ship Model Basin, SVA, Potsdam, Germany |
12.40 Uhr | Development and Optimisation of Propeller Boss Caps Dipl.-Ing. Lars Greitsch, Dipl.-Ing. Robert Pfannenschmidt, Mecklenburger Metallguß GmbH; Dipl.-Ing. Markus Druckenbrod, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany |
13.20 Uhr | Lunch |
Full-Scale Performance of Mewis Duct | |
14.20 Uhr | Challenges with Respect to Scaling and the Prediction of the Full-Scale Wake Field in the Context of the Becker Mewis Duct® Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Guiard, ibmv Maritime Innovationsgesellschaft mbH, Rostock, Germany |
15.00 Uhr | Six Years Mewis Duct - Six Years of Hydrodynamic Development Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich Mewis, Mewis Ship Hydrodynamics (MSH), Dresden, Germany |
15.40 Uhr | Coffee break |
Energy Saving Concepts | |
16.10 Uhr | Hydrodynamic Performance of Energy Saving Devices Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Brehm, Dr.-Ing. habil. Volker Bertram, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Zorn, DNV GL, Hamburg, Germany |
16.50 Uhr | CFD-based design and experimental verification of energy saving solutions for the STREAMLINE tanker Dr. Francesco Salvatore, M. Falchi, CNR-INSEAN - Italian Ship Model Basin, Italy; R. Bensow, Chalmers University, Sweden; T. Bugalski, CTO, Poland; G. B. Deng, P. Queutey, CNRS-ECN, France; E. J. Foeth, MARIN, The Netherlands; D. Hafermann, HSVA, Germany; T. Rung, TUHH, Germany |
17.30 Uhr | With New Profile Technology towards Propellers with Higher Efficiencies Dr. Stephan Helma, Stone Marine Propulsion, Merseyside, UK |
18.10 Uhr | Closing of the colloquium |