Tebong Andogho, VULKAN Deutschland, Herne
Marine vessels, face significant noise challenges from propulsion noise sources.
Unmitigated noise affects crew and passenger well-being, disrupts naval missions, and
harms marine life. Stringent regulations demand effective mitigation. VULKAN, a
leading coupling provider, addresses this through specialized solutions like RATO and
VULKARDAN. VULKAN ISC coupling innovatively combines torsional softness and
robust misalignment capacity. However, its inherent design affects (radial) acoustic
characteristics, prompting the need for improved design for noise-sensitive applications.
Effective noise-attenuating couplings must transmit high torques, use noise-absorbing
materials, be operationally stable, and lightweight. VULKAN's latest "Acoustic ISC"
design, to be presented at the Symposium, targets these objectives. The presentation
covers design, SBN simulation, performance comparison, and analytical findings.